Wednesday, September 29, 2004


hueeee ... tadi pagi sayah ke rumah sakit buat ambil darah ... bukan donor darah atau sayah menjalani tranfusi ... ambil darah buat keperluan medical check up ... dan berangkatlah pagi tadi gue ke rumah sakit pertamina yang deket rumah gue ... nyampe sana langsung disuruh ke lab ... setelah nunggu gak lamaan ... soalnya hari rebo *gak ngaruh deh* ... nama gue dipanggil ... akhirnya gue masuk ke ruangan dimana lengan gue diiket buat ngeliat uratnya buat ngambil darah ... trus petugasnya itu ngambil jarum suntik dan ngambil darah gue ... sakit? nggak tau ... tanya aja sama petugasnya ... gue kan gigit dia selama proses pengambilan darah itu ... huhuhuhuhu ... nggak dink ...

trus setelah ngambil sample air seni, gue dipersilakan makan dan kembali lagi dua jam untuk pengambilan darah tahap kedua ... gue putuskan untuk pulang dan makan di rumah for the sake of pengiritan ... dan rumah sakitnya juga deket kok dari rumah ... senyampainya gue di rumah, gue buka helm, jaket dan mulai ritual tarian-hujan-sebelum-makan ... setelah lelah melakukan tarian ujan dan dikarenakan ukuran kotekanya udah mulai kekecilan *apakah ada yang membesar?* huehehehe ... gue akhirnya makan ...

gak lama kemudian, nyokap gue ngomong ke gue ... deg degan gak mo ambil raport besok? ... hue? raport? ... iyah ... raport ... laporan kesehatan loe, Q ... kata nyokap gue ... gue mikir ... weleh ... bener juga sih ... itu sama kayak raport kita gitu ... apa aja yang udah kita makan, wuehehehe ... buat gue yang punya kebiasaan jelek ... makan seenaknya dan makan yang enak tanpa memperhatikan kesehatan ... well, cross my fingers aja ... biar raportnya gak jelek jelek amat ...

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

you are brown tiger

You are Brown Tiger, who will not bargain about your love affair, or suck up to your boss.
So your words carry a lot of weight.
And your attitude is at ease any where you are, and this creates feeling of security to others.
You are not a shy person, and can clearly state your own opinion to anyone.
This powerful conversational skill tends to be attractive to others.
You also listen to the other person carefully, and can adapt flexibly to situations, by correctly grasping their points.
You dislike getting in unnecessary conflict.
But you possess a strength to not withdraw when the need arise.
If you get too confident over your ability, people may think you pretentious.
You may look as though you are contemptuous to others.
You are quick thinker; you can make quick decisions, and is a person of action.
When the time comes for the need to stand up and act, you will.
You have a face of a theorist.
The way you can talk logically persuades other people.
Although you are not a smooth operator, you can not act negligently; you are a very responsible person.
Although you are a late starter, with experience, you will be able to acquire further insight and self-criticism.

sounds like me a'ight

Friday, September 24, 2004

And where
Where do I go to feel good
Why do I still look outside me
When clearly I've seen it won't work

Is it my calling to keep on when I'm unable
And is it my job to be selfless extraordinaire
And my generosity has me disabled
By this my sense of duty to offer

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

another place another time

Take me to another place
Take me to another land
Make me forget all that hurts me
Let me understand Your plan

Saturday, September 11, 2004


the angel opens her eyes
pale blue colored iris,
presents the circle
and puts the glory out to hide, hide ...

Thursday, September 09, 2004

Y!M status today - regarding the kuningan bomb blast

Adithya Budi Cahyawan : bom jag bom!
Febi : untuk apa ada BOM???

atta: bendera setengah tiang buat bom di kuningan
ciphie: 090904---???*BOOMMMM*
angga: hoping for miracle ... ampuni dosa dosa mereka ya Tuhan ..
arie junchan : Makanya jangan sibuk kampanye sama koalisi monyet

Monday, September 06, 2004

[gak] aneh

orang kalo lagi gak punya uang maunya macem macem
pengen nonton di bioskop baru lah
pengen punya henpon baru lah
pengen punya kamera digital lah
pengen makan enak lah

Thursday, September 02, 2004

so true ...

building a mystery nya sarah mclachlan sangat enak jika didahului dengan instrumentalnya dia yang judulnya last dance. sangat bagus.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

we can work it out

Try to see it my way
Do I have to keep on talking till I can't go on
While you see it your way
Run the risk of knowing that our love may soon be gone
We can work it out
We can work it out

Think of what you're saying
You can get it wrong and still you think that it's all right
Think of what I'm saying
We can work it out and get it straight or say good night
We can work it out
We can work it out

Life is very short and there's no time
for fussing and fighting, my friend
I have always thought that it's a crime
So I will ask you one more time

Try to see it my way
Only time will tell of I am right or I am wrong
While you see it your way
There's a chance we might fall apart before too long
We can work it out
We can work it out

Life is very short and there's no time
for fussing and fighting, my friend
I have always thought that it's a crime
So I will ask you one more time

Think of what you're saying
You can get it wrong and still you think that it's all right
Think of what I'm saying
We can work it out and get it straight or say good night
We can work it out
We can work it out