Tuesday, November 30, 2004

one helmet in the face

it was a cloudy afternoon as i headed home after dropping off my sweetheart at her place. it was a lovely afternoon indeed. i was filled with love and it soothed me. tranquil me as well. but the road is not as happy as i was yesterday. jakarta after the rain is a living hell for everybody.

traffic jam is everywhere. there was no room to move. luckily i have a motorcycle that can dodge the traffic and keep moving along. not so smooth though, sometimes the car also blocked some part of the small section of the road where we can dodge that nasty traffic.

after one hell of stop-driving-stop-and-driving, i finally reached my neighborhood. and, o-my-god ... that road too is also packed with cars ... perfect! another trafiic jam session which my home is just a stone throw away. just perfect.

so, there i was ... paddling away ... after a while i saw a motorcycle with a boy in front and a girl in the back. i noticed that the boy was so very talkative. he's blabbering about something and his head was turned at her direction. at the moment i was stuck in the middle of jam and tried to change the lane to the left, the only thing that blocked me was that boy. so, after i got a tiny space to move forward, i took that chance and change my lane.

i had no idea what's wrong with my changing lane process, that boy was siding me and and say many awful things. the nastiest things that if my mother heard it, he will got a nice tounge cut. i was still patience. i just waved my hand and ask him to go along.

it came to my suprises that he pulled over and still continue to curse. the word that came out from his mouth is so filthy. that just it. i had it. if he want to show off in front of his girlfriend, he picked the wrong guy. so, i pulled over and keep my engine running. i snapped my helmet strapper and take two quick step toward him. as i had my helmet in my hand, i smashed my helmet in his face.

it was a suprise quick attack, he didn't see it coming. as he tried to gain his balance, i smashed my helmet again into his face and he fell down. the girlfriend was very terrifying by the scene she just watched. she approached the boy and started to cry. i told him to keep his mouth if he still want to see another daylight. what about the crowd? nice jakarta people is so ignorant. they just watched as i hop on my bike and leave the scene. unnoticed.

moral of the story: don't ever try to show off in front of your girlfriend. you might end up losing. big time

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

a dose of questions ...

not too very long time ago, i used to ask this question to my dear friends, "what you gonna be in the next five years?". and the answer can be vary. but most of them are stated that the will manage to have a steady life, be more settle down. financially secured, etc, etc

what about me? when the same question comes back to me and bite me in the ass, all i can do is grin as wide as i could. seriously, i used to be an unmanagable person. i live my life as easy as one, two, three... i keep seeing things in a very simple way... a careless way...

but i also have one simple dream that i could hold two jobs at least ... not for being so voracious, but i also want to have a financial security as well. how can i elaborate, eh? i want something that i can hold on to when i don't want to hold my other job. that simple yet it's an evil and not so-profesional excuse.

the reason why i am writing this is i can not remember last time i had a good time scripting HTML codes, manipulating images and doing all this networking and cabling not to mention also the routing and server mainternance jobs. i had it just enough. i loved my job ... i really did ... i don't know where all the passions go ...

maybe this is my chance, a week ago me, my dad and my brother set up a new business. it's a digital t-shirt printing. not just t-shirt though, we can also print it on mugs, ceramic tiles and many other things. funny that i have no skeptical mind about this business. i feel already sure and confident about this new business. for one reason is maybe i am quite familiar about printing stuff.

well, what am i gonna be in the next 5 years? i guess i will be doing just fine.. wish me luck with my new business, guys ...

Friday, November 12, 2004


Selamat Idul Fitri 1425 H
Mohon Maaf Lahir & Bathin

Friday, November 05, 2004

ada tikus!

yah, di rumah gue ada tikus. sumpe tikusnya rese banget. oh ya, rumah gue gak termasuk jorok. kebersihannya selalu terjaga. yang gue curigain itu sebenernya ada satu tempat di atas yang berfungsi ampir seperti loteng dan mempunya pintu yang ampir gak ketutup *atau emang gak bisa ditutup atau juga tuh bukan pintu ... tapi cuma penghalang*.

dan sebelnya gue, tuh tikus tikus yang masuk rata-rata dari golongan abg dr kalangan tikus. dan gue yakin kalo malem di depan pintu-yang-bukan-pintu itu ada tikus tikus gede dengan seragam bouncer bak security tempat dugem di pelem-pelem hollywood, dengan handfree melilit di leher. bukan dengan baju batik dan handsfee di leher, karena gue gak mo ngomongin orang, terutama bos gue ... oops ...

dan yang dateng tikus tikus abg, cewek dan dengan pasangannya, mereka melewati bouncer gitu, biasanya penampilan mereka menarik sehingga biarpun namanya gak ada di list tamu yang ada di tangan security itu, sang bouncer akan mengijinkan masuk.

sialnya, karena emang di rumah gue gak ada barang yang bisa dinikmati, mereka akan membabi buta *mungkin istilahnya jadi mem-tikus-buta, apa aja dimakan. mulai dr pintu kamar mandi yang terbuat dr plastik. lemari dapur, even jaket item gue dimakan.

untuk menanggulangi hal itu, bokap gue masang perangkap tikus yang bungkusnya ada gambar gajah sama tikus dengan sukses terperangkap di dalem lem tikus itu. mungkin itu lem yang sama yang dipake sama pawang gajah di way kambas kali yah? who knows?

herannya yang terperangkap di lem tikus itu rata-rata tikus kecil. yang mana bikin gue yakin kalo tikus tikus ini adalah tikus yang blom cukup umur masuk ke club di rumah gue, atau tikus yang masuknya pake fake id ...

oh ya, gue sangat takut sama tikus ...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

deja vu ... bukan jamu

I thought I saw you in the distance
I thought I'd found you once again
touched on that feelin' for an instant
could not recall just where or when

Van Halen - Balance

ada yang pernah ngerasa deja vu? deja vu, buat sebagian yang blom tau adalah sebuah perasaan dimana kita mengalami sesuatu yang mana kita sampe sumpah sumpah pernah ngalamin peristiwa itu ... rasanya aneh ... berasa makan jeruk rasa beras kencur ...

gue sering ngalamin hal kayak gitu, banyak peristiwa dimana gue cuma bisa mengumpat, "diancuk, ini kan pernah gue alamin dulu" ... dan seringnya kejadian itu berulang kalo gue ketemu cewek cantik dan dengan pedenya gue menghampiri cewek itu dan berkata, "hey, kayaknya kita pernah ketemu. dimana yah?" dan gue akan ngotot mempertahankan argumentasi gue kalo gue pernah ketemu dia sampe ... PLAAKK!! ... tuh cewek sebel dan nggampar gue... huhuhu ... pedihnya digampar cewek cantik, jendral ...

gue gak pernah ngerti apa yang menyebabkan terjadinya deja vu itu. ada yang bilang itu terjadi karena sebelumnya kita pernah ngalamin kejadian kayak gitu di alam mimpi dan di copy paste ke alam nyata ... ada yang bilang juga kalo dunia paralel itu ada dan kejadian yang ada di dunia paralel kita sama dengan kehidupan yang kita jalanin.. ribet ... kenapa gak batere disusun paralel aja *keinget pelajara fisika SMP*

tapi menurut gue pribadi sih, dejavu itu gak lebih dr sense of humor the big guy di atas sana ... dia seneng liat makhluk ciptaannya kebingungan tujuh keliling lapangan basket ... yah dinikmati saja ... seru kok ...

Monday, November 01, 2004

Heal me
I'm healed when you see me
You see me when you feel me