Friday, December 31, 2004


so this is it. the last day of 2004. everything looks normal.
see you in 2005.
which is tomorrow.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

catatan kecil dan pas-pasan

dah lama gak nulis. emang sih, lumayan garing akhir akhir ini. banyak kejadian yang lempeng-lempeng dan gitu-gitu aja *baca: rutinitas yang bikin manusia hampir menyerupai mesin. rumah-kantor-tempat makan siang-kantor lagi-rumah. yup, that's my everyday life*. dan kalo ada yang heran kenapa gue nulis lagi bukan dikarenakan ada kejadian heboh, soalnya semua kejadian heboh dah dicover dengan sangat profesional oleh media massa *turut berduka buat para saudara di aceh dan sumatera utara*, hidup gue in general yah masih aja begini. lempeng *bukan lempeng ayam ataupun lempeng daging ... iyah... jayus ... garing .. i know*

*sigh* ... menjelang akhir taun. biasanya gue paling semangat menyambut tahun baru. koreksi: gue gak segitu semangatnya menyambut taun baru. biasa aja. soalnya suka kepikir sendiri, taun baru yang gebleknya ikut-ikutan bareng sama ulang taun gue (loh?!) bikin mikir tiap taun baru tiba ... nambah tua ... mikir pencapaian taun kemaren ... bikin planning buat taun depan ... heboh ... itu kesan hiperbola dari gue ...

kemaren pas pulang dari kantor, gue nerima hadiah ulang taun gue ... yup, early birthday presents ... kayaknya keluarga gue gak ada tradisi saling men-suprise-kan anggota keluarga dengan hadiah-hadiah pas tanggal ultah ... kemaren bokap gue dengan bangga memberikan jaket buat gonti-ganti pasangan jaket gue yang udah ada. katanya yang bikin orang nusakambangan ... namanya tommi ... hehehehe ... trus emak tercinta ngasih tas ransel buat ke kantor, soalnya tas ransel gue yang lama dah ampir gak terdeteksi bentuk aslinya. selain tas ransel, ada kemeja 2 potong sama T-shirt gitu deh ... adek gue ngasih gue sendal ... sendal keren gitu deh ... soalnya sendal lama gue terbuat dari kulit badak ... keras banget ... mana kalo kena becek, gue bisa terpeleset dalam sendal gue sendiri ... go figue.

yup, semua kado itu gak ada yang terbungkus. tapi gue bahagia banget. soalnya semua yang gue pengen ganti dari kebutuhan remeh-temeh bangsa tas ransel, kemeja, dan sendal itu akhirnya terpenuhi tanpa mengeluarkan uang sepeserpun... hehehehe ...

so? happy new year then ...

Thursday, December 23, 2004

the one with suicide attempt

last night when i came home from the office, my brother told me that his friend, which i know this guy ... he often come to my house, and play around with my brother being sick and hospitalised. i asked him what's wrong with him, my brother said he was found by our neighbors lying in the floor with foam coming out from his mouth, and nose ... what a horrific scene i said.

"is he a drug user?" i asked my brother. "no, i guess it maybe because he had a terrible stomach ache" he replied. "it's impossible, i sense it that the similar to the overdose of drug or any dangerous substance" i still insisted.

later this morning i found that the poor young man tried to put a stop to his life. he drank anti-mosquito liquid to end his life. and i also got another info that the reason he doing that stupid act is that he is being dumped by his girlfriend. what the #^@&!!! ...

it still suprise me how love sometimes can make people very stupid and blind. breaking up sometimes is very hard to accept for most of us. most of us think that this is the end of everything. there is no life after this. bla bla bla ... the truth is love hurts you sometimes ... but remember that time also heals ... patience is all we need. there will be new people that we will meet, friends to comfort and still ... many good things happen in this life. life is a precious thing to waste.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

random notes

it feels like holiday season already. i am so lazy beyond help and feel like not working at all.. spare me, i am that lazy right now. i keep reminding myself that this is wednesday.. not friday ... darn it!

on the other hand, i will lose another friend here at the office. she decide to call it quit. i think she had it just enough. i can't blame her. she's the one who face the highest pressure first hand. well, it's been nice to know you ... and i wish you a better life in your journey ...

o yeah, christmas is just around the corner ... and my house is already prepared for the christmas ... christmas tree, cookies, food, and all the stuff ... this christmas is definitely gonna be different, firstly 'coz my sisters are not able to go home for christmas, yes ... they're abroad ... and this year, i made peace with december ... i dunno why, every december for the last 3 years, i always lose someone that i care about in december, i guess "a long december" from counting crows is always been my theme ... this year? oh goodie ... i have a lady beside me ... yipeeee ... *i know ... i know ... i am childish ... but aren't we all a child inside?*

Thursday, December 16, 2004


dave matthews band

Satellite in my eyes
Like a diamond in the sky
How I wonder.
Satellite strung from the moon
And the world your balloon
Peeping tom for the mother station

Winter's cold spring erases
And the calm away by the storm is chasing
Everything good needs replacing
Look up, look down all around, hey satellite

Satellite, headlines read
Someone's secrets you've seen
Eyes and ears have been
Satellite dish in my yard
Tell me more, tell me more
Who's the king of your satellite castle?

Winter's cold spring erases
And the calm away by the storm is chasing
Everything good needs replacing
Look up, look down all around, hey satellite
Rest high above the clouds no resrictions
Television we bounce 'round the world
And while I spend these hours
Five senses reeling,
I laugh about the weatherman's satellite eyes.

Satellite in my eyes
Like a diamond in the sky
How i wonder.
Satellite strung from the moon
And the world your balloon
Peeping tom for the mother station

Winter's cold spring erases
And the calm away by the storm is chasing
Everything good needs replacing
Look up, look down all around, hey satellite

Rest high above the clouds no restrictions
Television you bounce from the world
And while I spend these hours
Five senses reeling
I laugh about this weatherman's satellite eyes.

PS: kalo mau dengerin versi keren lagu ini, cari yang versi live mereka di red rocks ... pas awal-awal mereka maennya steril banget ... gue sampe sangsi mereka ini lagi lip-synch atau lagi konser sih? eh, pas tengah tengah lagu, si carter beauford bikin improvisasi ... gak banyak sih ... tapi anjir banget improvisasinya ... mantap banget ... bikin beda aja konser sama versi CD nya ... jadi berasa makan martabak kacang keju dengan dobel topping kacang dan wijen. nyam ... btw, lagu ini lagu romantis gak sih? apa mereka lagi ngomongin satelit aja seh? dan kenapa juga gue jadi ngereview lagu oldies ini yak?

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

a december to remember ...

love is passion. someone you can't live without, someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. forget your head and listen to your heart. run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. to make the journey and not fall deeply in love - well, you haven't lived a life at all. you have to try. because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived..

excerpt from Meet Joe Black

yes, dear. this is the month we first met. i still remember every detail of it. I love you now, i love you every hour and every minute in between. it's been grand knowing you and keep you in my arm. don't say anything. just let me hold your hand. we will be just fine.

one year filled with laughter, love, jealousy and a lot of spices.

for Christina Zita Yuni Triuningsih

Monday, December 06, 2004

i want to kill someone, want to join me?

this is me. losing 10kg of my body weight. yes, suffering from a liver damage is not a good reason to go on a diet. but i've made it so far. my body rejects oily food now, if i try to eat gorengan, my stomach will turn upside down and cause me nausea. a great one, so i stop eating gorengan.

and my mother now also very careful in preparing food for the family now, but sometimes she makes two set of meals, one is specially made for me and the other one is dedicated for the rest of the member of the gangs :) ...

i also give up on consuming sugar since the last lab test indicated me with high sugar on my blood. but, i am now feel good about myself. with 10 kg off from my body, i feel a lot better, anyway, me and my girlfriend agreed that i have to lose another 10 kg in order to make me look cuter *o-my-god ... i can't believe i write this*.

one of my collague here in the office, ... well, i don't understand how he deals with people, but with me, he always end up using this kind of basa-basi-yang-basi-banget like; "you are look fatter, Q ... i recomend you for a diet" ... if he said it two months or three months ago, i will understand and might follow what he suggests me ... diet ...

today, i tried to put on my smaller size shirt, the one that can not fit me for a long time ... no, i can not fit into this shirt the moment i bought it, i bought it because it comes in a good color ... and it suprise me that the shirt is perfectly fit to my body ... and all of my friends at the office noticed and say how good i look in that shirt, because i look thinner.

at the lunch hour, which i always bring food from home, i went to the pantry and grab myself a plate and a spoon, and i met him, yes ... him ... the one with the boring comments ... and suddenly i hear his voice "ah, are you eating, Q ... why don't you try to fast? good for you ... to lose some weight".


Thursday, December 02, 2004

where all the mugs have gone?

the business is quite good. we are now officially running. a smooth start indeed. as i wrote before, this business is built from three sources of funding. me, my dad and my brother. we are equal partners.

when i say equal partners, i hope that every decision will be made based on the majority voice. last week, we have to face a difficult decision. finding an office secretary. me and my bro agreed that we are going to do selection to some fesh graduate secretary. aha! you know exactly what i mean, right? but, our voices had been silenced by the minority share holder. my dad. he insisted to use available force, which is our lovely mother. yes, our mum. hard decision, folk ... it's hard indeed. so not fair!

but, i have to admit that having my father around is very very great experience. he thought us how to manage this new business and how to handle people.

we are now taking orders from almost everywhere, thanks to the most-agressive-marketing-director. the father, my dad. using his old network in the army, the orders keep coming and coming and coming like the energizer bunny ...

the orders we received are mostly come from the mugs printing. some office needs it a lot for their staff and also for the souvenirs they are giving away when they have visitors.

and now the bad news. we are running out of mugs. i have no idea what happened. our supplier said that the materials are being held hostage in the custom office. this is terrible news. while the mugs order keep piling up. *sigh*